Bem-vindos à Macmillan Education Brasil,
Na Macmillan Education Brasil, parte do Grupo Springer Nature, somos movidos pela paixão e pelo compromisso de fornecer soluções educacionais de excelência que atendam às necessidades de um cenário educacional em constante evolução. Fazemos parte da Macmillan Education, uma das principais editoras do mundo, com uma rica história de mais de 180 anos na vanguarda da educação global.
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Speak Your Mind
Speak Your Mind is a new 6-level general English course that helps young adults to develop effective communication skills. It has a focus on speaking English in local and global scenarios and provides students with coping strategies designed to increase their confidence in a variety of situations.
SKY HIGH WORKBOOK 5B macmillan br
Sky High is a fully updated and revised edition of the successful young adult course Skyline; builds on Skyline´s solid foundations and has incorporated feedback from students and teachers. The series...
Sky High is a fully updated and revised edition of the successful young adult course Skyline; builds on Skyline´s solid foundations and has incorporated feedback from students and teachers. The series...